OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate competence in the basic knowledge of the bible.
2. To be able to better manage church ministry.
3. Lead souls to Christ through the correct application of the knowledge gained in the program.

CLASS BREAKDOWN: Each course shall take a maximum of 4 hours of 2 contact periods at a rate of 2 hours per contact period

LECTURE DAYS/TIME: The lecture days are Fridays (5-7pm) and Saturdays (8-12pm)

TEACHING STRATEGIES: The teaching strategies in this program includes facilitated discussion, demonstration, class discussion, feedback, etc.

PROGRAM DURATION: The program shall last for 3 months (12 weekends). Lectures shall last for 10 weekends while exams will take place in 2 weekends

SEMINAR PRESENTATION: Each student will be expected to deliver a seminar on any given topic

COURSE GRADING: Examination 60%; Attendance 20%; Class test/assignment 20%

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