About Us

Pastor Mon Igbinosa is President of Gospel Outreach Ministries,
and also Director of Compassion World Outreach Ministries, a ministry that is strongly committed to church planting and world evangelism. The Lord has used the ministry of Dr. Mon Igbinosa and his wife to raise up several churches. This is what the Ministry confesses:

WE ARE A POWERFUL LOVE FORCE FOR GOD: Each of us is like a magnet…. Every good thing is drawn to us; we have plenty of money, plenty of material, plenty of supplies. Each family in our church is well taken care of. We are a prosperous people.

WE ARE AN OASIS OF LOVE: We purpose to love and forgive each other. There is no strife and division among us, we receive everyone that come into our fellowship – just as they are.

WE ARE A CHRIST – GOVERNED WORD CHURCH: We are led by the Holy Spirit. We have strong, well-taken care of ministry gift. The ministry of hope is supernatural in our church. Every area of ministry is well fulfilling. We have an abundance of helps. We are worshippers and praisers. We have anointed minstrels and psalmist. None of us is ashamed to worship or praise the Lord.

WE ARE A BIBLE TRAINING CENTER: The Bible is our supreme standard and guideline. We have fine teachers; we are training men and women to do the work of the ministry. All of us are mature, and none of us will be tossed to and fro by any wind of doctrine. Our pastor is a builder of men in the house of the Lord.

WE ARE AN EVANGELISTIC OUTREACH CENTER: We are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We are sending lots of money to foreign worker: we are sending mission teams to foreign soil. We are very effective in state and international outreach. We plan to change the world for Jesus – as a team.

Welcome to our Church
This is Gospel Outreach Ministries - 
The Winning Church. There is no accident in God. 
You were created to fulfill a particular purpose on earth.
Press into Him and resolve in your heart to stay in 
God where all things are yours.
We are:
1. A powerful love force for God.
2. An Oasis of Love.
3. A Bible Training Center.
4. A Christ governed Word Church.
5. An Evangelistic Outreach Center


  1. Sir,

    Letter of Sponsorship

    Peace, Love,Grace and Favor of God be with you

    .Onyemaechi Hope for the Helpless Foundation is a non-governmental organization Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, Abuja Nigeria with registration no CAC/IT/NO 65773 and with the Ministry of women Affairs and social Development Awka, Anambra State with registration No 821

    our aim

    To cater for poor, physically challenged and deprived aged women and improve on the welfare of the most vulnerable and disadvantage groups in the society, disable, destitute, the aged children, the physically challenged and rehabilitate youths and channel them to better people in the society.

    we sincerely solicit for your support and sponsorship for our forth coming HOSPITALS, PRISONS & MOTHERLESS BABIES HOME VISITATION by donating any of these items below

    1. wheel chair to disabled and physically challenged persons
    2. bags of rice
    3. children clothes
    4. cartons of indomie noodles
    5. cartons of Cabin biscuits
    6. Money to settle hospital bill for indigent sick patients in the hospital
    7. 1000 copies of Holy Bible
    8. cartons of milk
    9. Rolls of tissues paper
    we passionately appeal to you to please support and sponsor our forth coming HOSPITALS, PRISONS & MOTHERLESS BABIES HOME VISITATION
    1. Date: Easter Sunday 27th March, 2016
    place to visit -:
    i. Iyienu Hospital Ogidi Anambra State
    ii. Oji River Disabled and Leprosy Center, Oji River, Enugu State
    2. Date; Easter Monday 28th March 2016
    place to visit -:
    i. Onithsha North Motherless Babies Home, Court Road,
    Onitsha Anambra State
    ii, Onitsha Prisons, Onitsha Anambra State, Nigeria

    we ask not for ourselves but for God s children in need. please support this HOSPITALS, PRISONS & MOTHERLESS BABIES HOME VISITATION by providing any of the above mentioned items.or whatever that is laid in your hands and in your heart by the Lord, whatever assistance you can offer,we will welcome with Joy.

    Mathew 25;35-40,.. For I was an hungry, and ye gave me food: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: i was Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungry, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?And Jesus shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me
    Thanks as we favorably anticipate for your reply.

    we will also appreciate our sponsors/Donors for this HOSPITALS, PRISONS & MOTHERLESS BABIES HOME VISITATION in our Radio program in sapientia 95.3 FM from 9th March 2016
    God bless you

    N/B; You can read newspaper publications by Journalists who covered some of our hospital visitation program in 2015....
    1.vanguard newspaper July 1 2015 south east voice page 8
    2.vanguard newspaper April 22 2015 south east voice page 6
    3. orient daily newspaper February 3 2015 page 7
    4.orient daily newspaper January 20 2015 page 13

    Yours faithfully
    Okenwa Kennedy Onyema Ijeoma Love Onuigbo
    coordinator Secretary

    our office is @
    MISTO Estate, NO. 1 School Road,
    Odume Layout Obosi Anambra State Nigeria

    may the good lord grant all your genuine heart desires in Jesus Name Amen

    for inquiries call

    Email; onyemaechifoundation2007@yahoo.com

  2. Thank you for visiting our Church Center here in Waco , Texas and praying & healing us all last night! Jesus is Lord!!


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